
OMGpodcastsLOL April 12, 2008

Filed under: OMGreviewsLOL — Chad @ 8:52 pm

Reviews of the 4 podcasts that I watch:

Tekzilla: Show about product reviews, computer help and tech tips. Hosted by Patrick Norton and new co-host Veronica Belmont. Tekzilla does have good tips for the everyday consumer. Tekzilla is aired weekly on Friday, and Tekzilla Daily, short videos of tech tips, almost everyday. I would recommend this show to anyone and Veronica Belmont is hot.

DL.TV: Hosted by Robert Heron and random guest host. Basically that same as Tekzilla but sinceĀ  Patrick Norton left DL.TV the show has been a little bland, but the episodes are still informational. DL.TV is second to Tekzilla in my opinion. (Lloyd Case is boring)


The Guild: The Guild is a sitcom about a onlineRPG local “clan,” and how their lives basically revolve around playing the game. The main character, Felicia Day “Codex” is a hottie. The show is pretty funny even if you only know a little bit about online RPG’s. 3OMGs and 4LOLs out of 5OMGs and LOLs

Break a Leg:Break a Leg is anonther sitcom about the creation of a sitcom, “Groommates.” The main character of the show is the writer of the sitcom, and is the leader of the group. The group is struggling to create the show because their producer doesn’t have any money to pay for the show, and the cast has to start fundraising for the show to pay for it. There is one chick in the show that it is hot, Amber Turnipseed (Alexis Boozer). The show is prety funny considering the situational awkwardness. 2OMGs and 2LOLs and 5OMGs and LOLs

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